Jul 8

Making Reading Matter in Your Courses (Online Workshop)

Mon, July 8, 2024 • 10:30am - 12:00pm (1h 30m) • Zoom
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In our March 2024 survey, a majority of the faculty respondents reported that at least some of their students didn’t demonstrate the reading skills necessary to succeed in their classes. This finding echoes national data on student reading skills and anecdotal reports from Carleton faculty and students.

This workshop is designed to help faculty identify the reading skills that students need to thrive in their courses and to make those skills an explicit part of their curricula. In our session, we’ll discuss the different kinds of texts that we assign in our courses, the outcomes we expect from students who do that reading well, and the ways we articulate these expectations to students. We’ll also discuss strategies for assessing, developing, and supporting students’ reading skills.

Led by George Cusack, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum

Event Contact: George Cusack
Event Link: for More Information

Event Summary

Making Reading Matter in Your Courses (Online Workshop)
  • Intended For: Faculty
  • Categories: Meeting/Conference/Workshop

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